
School management system (Laravel) 822 834 New_bluecreazione

School management system (Laravel)

While creating the School management project for “The Isaac’s Pre Primary”, I had
to keep in mind that the website would be parent’s oriented.
Having worked with Teacher’s of a very reputed Educational institute in Pune
for 3 long years, where our Company was supposed to craft Educational content
for students. This gave me the exposure and better understanding
about how a teacher works hard for better growth of children.
I also got to understand from a student’s perspective as we had to create
e-learning videos which should be to the point and easy to grasp.

School management system - laravel, web development, web designing, laravel, fullstack, backend, frontend, login, admin panel

Laravel Website

Back to the website that I made . I have used front end responsive technologies for designing “the Isaac’s preprimary school” website pages in a more interactive way.

Data like Class name, Class time table , Syllabus , Events , Teacher list , Gallery photos are
fetched from database. A complete admission form has been given on the website.

This website is made in a very user friendly way for the Teachers, so that they can manage
data at one place The colors and images are kid-friendly and UI is made after lots of UX research
Keeping in mind, that the parents should also be aware of what activities are going on in the school,
the website has lots of details like weekly time-table, students syllabus, event information, and so on.

School management system - laravel, web development, web designing, laravel, fullstack

Web UI UX design

For more information or to get a website of your company, institute, organization,
do reach us on hr@bluecreazione.com

You can also fill details on the contact page and we will get back to you.