After Effect

Adobe After Effects 17.0 Released 490 306 New_bluecreazione

Adobe After Effects 17.0 Released


Adobe After Effects recently released in November 2019 release version 17.0 with new features and multiple enhancements.

Highlights below:

  • Preview and Playback performance improvements:
    • This release comes with threading improvements. With GPU accelerated display, we can achieve clearer and performant rendering than previous versions.
  • Content-Aware Fill for video:
    • Remove unwanted objects from video faster and reduce memory usage.
  • Shape Improvements:
    • This release comes with performance improvements when working with shape layers. Now we can right-click to group and ungroup shape layers using add drop down menu. Additionally, select multiple shapes in the timeline panel with single right-click.
  • Enhanced EXR Workflows:
    • This release comes with a faster compositing process and improved setup process via importing EXR files. Working with large files is more performant than previous versions.
  • Cinema 4D Lite R21 and New Cineware render
    • When we install After Effects, installer installs ‘Maxon cinema 4D R21’ and creates folder in application’s location. For rendering After Effects with Cineware account is not needed.
  • Text Style Expressions:
    • We can now directly access new text property option and we can set text style properties using Expressions.
Adobe @ Blue Creazione New_bluecreazione

Adobe @ Blue Creazione

When you are designing something, there is always a scope of improvement. Its not that you are not good at it. That actually means that you are learning something new each and every time

“Have no fear of perfection — you’ll never reach it. ” Salvador Dali, artist

Art and Animation that go hand in hand are supported by ultimate softwares like Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects . Where in Illustrator , you can use the puppet wrap tool to create animations, in AE you have the puppet tool . Photoshop is best for shading and art and gifs and what not.

At Blue Creazione, we use Photoshop and the famous Wacom Tablet to Design characters, Levels and Icons for games. From UI Designing to App Icons , we use photoshop for our day to day designing.

For our latest game, we have designed all the stages in Photoshop