
Sayonara Wild Hearts New_bluecreazione

Sayonara Wild Hearts

“For a mobile game this felt perfect. Although never quite felt like a mobile game while playing. It simply is amazing.” – Inquest.

When I first saw this game on Apple Event. It felt like just another endless runner. And honestly never really thought of playing it on my iPhone. But as Apple launched the new Apple Arcade. There were bunch of many games which looked great and made more sense than this ‘bit’. However looking at the preview video of Sayonara Wild Hearts, I felt like giving it a try just this one time for one day.

And so “the story begins” from the very first narration in the game I found myself in a whole new world of endless AWww! The game just took off and never stopped until I completed the first Level! The game didn’t even stop for loading. Also when the level completed it felt like Game was resting more than me! As literally my phone was on fire! Literally the performance(phone) was sweating to keep up with the beauty/graphics of the game.

Game and the music felt like they were made for each other. And on the other hand I am sure who ever was playing the game was having super fun.
Although I ranked Bronze and Silver On every level, I just wanted to see what the game had for me next. And never did I ever skipped the “bit”. Well the game will keep asking you if you wanted to skip the level “bit”. Truth be said I did do it the first time and then I super regretted it! And never did that again till the very end.

Levels in this game are really fun and complete. The game has 2d, 3d, 2.5d gameplays through out various levels. Which keeps this game very much connected to the players. The story narration also feels great till the very end. Mostly you will be filled with awesome music of the game ringing in your head till you finish the game and beyond!!

Sayonara wild hearts could be 1 game making you buy that Apple Arcade subscription. Just check out this whole and soul perfect game.
The game is available on Apple Arcade, Nintendo Switch, PS4.

Cordova v5 Push notifications for IOS and Android 150 150 New_bluecreazione

Cordova v5 Push notifications for IOS and Android

Push notifications are very useful in the mobile applications and it is fast and efficient way to communicate directly with customers.

Push notifications are used to send real time updates,share important news and exciting offers to customers, To achieve the Cordova v5 Push notifications for iOS and Android, We used Firebase API which is provided by google.

There are different process of Push notifications for iOS and Android, we discuss it one by one.

The plugin used for Push Notifications for iOS and Android is “phonegap-plugin-push” and you have to run command in command prompt by cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push

Push Notifications for Android

To Recieve push notifications in Android, we need device Id or token of Android device and API_Server_Key

Here is the below code to get the device token or Id.

var devicetoken; 
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    document.addEventListener('init', function(event) {
          var push = PushNotification.init({
            "android": {
                "senderID": "810340046523",
                 sound: "true",
                vibrate: "true",
                forceShow: "true"
        push.on('registration', function(data) {
        devicetoken= data.registrationId;

  push.on('error', function(e) {
    // e.message

By using above code we can get the device token or id from android device and Above senderID is mentioned in google.json file which is downloaded from Firebase.

To get the API_Server_Key, We need to Register the Android application into firebase by using app’s package name and after registering the app into the firebase we can get the API_server_key and legacy server_key from firebase.

By using this API_server_key, we need to put this into PHP code for cordova-Android Push notification which is as follows.

$path_to_firebase_cm = 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send';   
 $fields = array(
        'registration_ids' => array($user_device_key),
        'priority' => 10,
        'notification' => array('title' => $_POST['notification_title'], 'body' =>$_POST['notification_text'] ,'sound'=>'Default','image'=>'Notification Image' ),
    $headers = array(
        'Authorization:key=' .'API_server_key',

    // Open connection  
    $ch = curl_init(); 
    // Set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $path_to_firebase_cm); 
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4 );
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($fields));
    // Execute post   
   $result = curl_exec($ch );
curl_close( $ch );
 //echo $result;
 $this->Flash->success(__('Notification sent to Android.'));
                  return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);

After Putting the above php code and entering the API_server_key, You are able to send the push notification for android by using Cordova v5.

Push Notifications for iOS

To receive the push notification in ios by using cordova v5, we need to register the iOS app into the firebase console by putting the Bundle Id of iOS app and after that we can download the googleinfo.plist file which can be placed in root folder of app.

We also need the Authentication key in iOS which is not needed in Android, To get the Authentication key and Team_id, We need to follow some steps which are as follows.

1.In Apple developer account,go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, and under Keys, select All.

2. Click the Add button (+) in the upper-right corner.

3. Enter a description for the APNs Auth Key

4. Under Key Services, select the APNs checkbox, and click Continue.

5. Click Confirm and then Download. Save your key in a secure place. This is a one-time download, and the key cannot be retrieved later.

After getting the APN_Authentication_key, We need to put it into iOS application in firebase console under APNs Authentication Key.

We also need to create Provisioning profile and upload it into firebase console, To create this we need to follow some steps which are as follows.

  1. Navigate to the Apple Developer Member Center and sign in.
  2. Navigate to Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles.
  3.  the drop down menu on the top left corner, select iOS, tvOS, watchOS if it’s not already selected, then navigate to Provisioning Profiles > All.
  4. Click the + button to create a new Provisioning Profile.
  5. Select iOS App Development as provisioning profile type, then click Continue.
  6. In the drop down menu, select the App ID you want to use, then click Continue.
  7. Select the iOS Development certificate of the App ID you have chosen in the previous step, then click Continue.
  8. Select the iOS devices that you want to include in the Provisioning Profile, then click Continue. Make sure to select all the devices you want to use for your testing.
  9. Input a name for this provisioning profile (e.g. Firebase Sample App Development Profile), then click Generate.
  10. Click Download to save the Provisioning Profile to your Mac.
  11. Double-click the Provisioning Profile file to install it

By following above steps we can get the Provisioning  profile, we need to upload this profile into fireabase console and we also need to enable the Apple Push notification service in the Xcode.

After Following above all steps now we need to get the device token of iOS device, we can get it by using following code.

var devicetoken;
document.addEventListener('init', function(event) {
          var push = PushNotification.init({
            "ios": {"alert": "true", "badge": "true", "sound": "true"}, 
            "windows": {} 
        push.on('registration', function(data) {
        devicetoken= data.registrationId;
  push.on('error', function(e) {
    // e.message

Since we already registered our iOS app into firebase console, So we can easily get API_server_key in the Project settings and we use this ApI_server_key into the below PHP code.

define( 'API_ACCESS_KEY', 'Your API_server_key' );
$registrationIds = array($user_device_key );
// prep the bundle
$msg = array(
        'body'  => $_POST['notification_text'],
        'title'     => $_POST['notification_title'],
        'vibrate'   => 1,
        'sound'     => 'Default',
$fields = array(
            'registration_ids'  => $registrationIds,
            'notification'      => $msg

$headers = array(
            'Authorization: key=' . API_ACCESS_KEY,
            'Content-Type: application/json'

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_URL, 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send' );
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_POST, true );
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode( $fields ) );
$result = curl_exec($ch );
curl_close( $ch );
//echo $result;
$this->Flash->success(__('Notification sent to iOS.'));
                 return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);

After Putting the API_server_key into the above code,Now we are able to send push notifications into iOS App.

So By following above steps for Android and iOS we are able to send the Push notifications by using Cordova V5.

Reference Links:




Jenkins 237 219 New_bluecreazione


I come across the Jenkins when i worked on Selenium webdriver(Test Automation tool) and i am looking for tool which provides continuous integration and continuous deployment tool and i heard about jenkins,and after learning about it, I come to know that Jenkins is the best tool for CI/CD integration and it can be used while developing the software,you can use it for testing continuous project builds and logs the error and Jenkins is mainly used for building,testing and deploying the software.

There are soo many features of Jenkins, Some of them are as follows.

  1. Jenkins is open source and free and it is entirely written in java.
  2. It supports various plugins and user can also install the external plugins in the plugin section of jenkins.
  3. Jenkins can be integrate with most of the build and testing tools like Selenium,Maven.GIT.
  4. IT is very ease to use and most of the functionality are present in the dashboard itself.
  5. IT is server based tool and it works on Apache tomcat server and installation process of jenkins is also very easy.

The current version of Jenkins is 2.176 and version i used earlier was 2.138.

As my point of view, Jenkins is widely used build and release tool and most of the companies are using this tool for continuous integration/continouos deployment and i would recommend this tool for whom, who wants to test continuous build of the software and want to resolve the error in the early stage of development and after successive build and test,it can also be used for deployment of software.

Since Jenkins have so many important features as i discussed above but there are some negative points which are as below.

  1. Tracking and accountability problems with the pushed code from Git.
  2. Jenkins doesn’t provide any analytics (there are plugins but they are not enough) on the end-to-end deployment cycle. 

Download this now

PHP 7.3 + MYSQL 8 CONNECTION 150 150 New_bluecreazione


PHP 7.3 + Mysql 8 Connection Issues?

The only way is the create a new MySQL user with the authentication type as “Standard” and not Caching_SHA2_Password .

Contact us for technical assistance at support@bluegamerzstudio.com.

Running PHP 7.3 with MySQL 8 150 150 New_bluecreazione

Running PHP 7.3 with MySQL 8

PHP 7.3 + Mysql 8 Connection issue?

This blog is going to be a small one. But it will definitely fix the issue which many of us are facing. First thing is you would require MySQL WorkBench. Download it for free from MySQL website. Make sure you download the workbench 8 for the MySQL 8. Once that is done, considering you already have MySQL 8 installed on your server, I will let you know how to fix the mysqliconnect.

Main issue is the Authentication type of the MySQL User. By Default when you use Root or create a user in MySQL 8 it will set your password of the type caching_sha2_password. So instead of going to change this type for the current users, we will create new Users.

Open MySQL Workbench 8. Connect your MySQL 8 with the root or already defined password. Workbench should work with the caching_sha2_password. So you can login using that. Once you are done with that.

Under the “Administration” tab look for “Users and Privileges”. This option will give you freedom to add or edit current users. However we can’t change the Authentication type of users which are already set. So we create a new User with new details. But setting the Authentication Type to Standard. That’s it then you should be able to connect using the MySqliconnect in PHP 7.3 . Other then this inside your Workbench you can give the user permissions like Schema Privileges.

That’s it. So bottom line is create a new user in Mysql 8 with authentication type “Standard” and you can connect to it. Ofcourse if you guys know the Command line approach to create user, you can do that as well.


Add Custom fields into WordPress 150 150 New_bluecreazione

Add Custom fields into WordPress


Adding Custom fields into WordPress and insert/update the custom fields is even more tough task


Initially when i was trying to add custom fields into wordpress,i searched alot regarding this and 
 also downloaded the ACF plugin and it is also not working and also after making so many changes in 
functions.php and single.php file in theme folder but still thats also not helpful for adding 
custom fields into wordpress and also insert/update the details inside the custom field


The easiest solution of adding custom fields into wordpress is to install "Pods" plugin by using
wordpress admin panel and after installation of plugin,activate the plugin and after that click on 
Pods admin  and after that you have to enter all the define your custom fields you want to add  and after
that there is also option of rest api when you enter the custom fields details and just allow the show and 
insert/update the custom field option through Rest-Api
Clear temp & cache files from Windows Server 150 150 New_bluecreazione

Clear temp & cache files from Windows Server


File is not sending to server because there is no space on windows 
server through source tree and the reason behind is temp and cache files.


To solve the issue,below are the steps to follow.
1.press window r
2.Type %temp% & click on OK button.
3)Then go to AppData->LocalLow->here you can see all the softwares cache, delete which you want. 

Cordova AJAX Call not working in Mobile but working normally in browser 150 150 New_bluecreazione

Cordova AJAX Call not working in Mobile but working normally in browser

After sending the cordova ajax post method it is working fine on browser but when u tested it on mobile then issue occurred and you are unable to post or get request from server

The solution of this issue is you have to install cordova whitelist plugin and the command of this plugin is below.

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist
cordova prepare

run the above two command and after that run the  below command.

cordova run android

now u can test on mobile, it will working fine.now you are good to go.

GET and Post data from server using Cordova JQuery $.ajax() . 150 150 New_bluecreazione

GET and Post data from server using Cordova JQuery $.ajax() .

Get and post request are basically used to fetch response from server so here are the following steps to achieve this,

1.we need to add following two header files into server side Php file.

header(‘Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS’);

2.we need to call jquery$.ajax() and passes all the essential detials

example of sending POST request type are as follow. functionregisterEvent(){alert(“reached here 1”); varemail = $(“#username1”).val();varpassword = $(“#password1”).val();varfirst_name = $(“#f_name”).val();varlast_name = $(“#l_name”).val();alert(“reached here 2”);varformData = “first_name=”+first_name+”&last_name=”+last_name+”&email=”+ email+”&password=”+password;  $.ajax({url: “http://www.example.com”,type: “POST”,data:formData,cache:false,success: function(response) {alert(“Success “+response);},error: function(response) {alert(“Err “+response);}});// window.location.href = “homepage.html”;}