Low Poly Environment in Maya 3d
Low Poly Environment – Conceptual
The most challenging part of making a 3d game or environment is the high polygons model and textures . Its sad that designers had to compromise on the look and feel of their game, environment, in order to achieve an optimized game application for their users
In 1990’s when Low poly art got invented . Before, It was satisfactory because of low computing power and other limitations. Little did we know that Low Poly Art will make its way again and get its official name as “LOW POLY ART” in future. In 2013, Low Poly art got reinvented by some content creators.
Today I see Low Poly Art as very attractive. Those sharp edges and colors attracts the interest of the end user. It allows Creators to quickly design a basic model which is always simple to Texture. Remember those Large Spider like woven UV’s of that high-poly character and the mysterious UV map of that concept car model? I would subdivide it until I got desired results . Kept subdividing until my Maya crashed 😀

Low Poly Environment
I am sure many of the 3d artists have also been through that pain of unwrapping UVS. Especially of those Beautiful High count model you had made by giving those minute details to make it look as realistic as possible.
This LowPoly Model I had modelled in Maya 3d was totally concept based. It has snow covered mountains, clouds floating in the sky, Pine like trees , cut trees , a camping tent, rocks and a fire place. I Kept in mind a Gaming environment where the ground is hexagon shaped and tile able. For renders, I had used Maya Mental Ray.
Well back then I had not discovered Blender’s rendering capabilities. Although, I explored this week only and my next post would be about it. I now realize how technology has really changed our life to a huge extent. Renders in Blender along with Ambient Occlusion pass blew my mind ! It is comparatively so easy now to get quality results quickly !
Hope you like this low poly 3d model .. you can download it for freeeee…!!
Below is the link: